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Feminist Media Studies
Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies
Feminist Studies, Signs之文學類文章
一、Feminist Media Studies
Feminist Media Studies在2001年創刊,由Taylor & Francis出版。這份期刊的創刊所代表的是女性主義在媒體傳播研究中已成為不可忽視並且是佔據重要地位的研究流派。Feminist Media Studies為女性主義傳播學者提供了一個跨領域、跨國研究可以對話的空間,其設立宗旨如下:
Feminist Media Studies provides a transdisciplinary, transnational forum for researchers pursuing feminist approaches to the field of media and communication studies, with attention to the historical, philosophical, cultural, social, political, and economic dimensions and analysis of sites including print and electronic media, film and the arts, and new media technologies. The journal invites contributions from feminist researchers working across a range of disciplines and conceptual perspectives.
Feminist Media Studies offers a unique intellectual space bringing together scholars, professionals and activists from around the world to engage with feminist issues and debates in media and communication. Its editorial board and contributors reflect a commitment to the facilitation of international dialogue among researchers, through attention to local, national and global contexts for critical and empirical feminist media inquiry.
在2007-8之間,Feminist Media Studies共刊登了41篇文章(不包括書評,或藝術創作)。這41篇文章所處理的區域以歐美為主(特別是美國),剩下的則是零星散播在非洲、紐澳、中東/近東、東亞/東南亞。主要的兩位主編Lisa McLaughlin和Cynthia Carter則是分別來自美國和英國。